The 10 Best Jobbing Sites to Offer Your Services

 The 10 Best Jobbing Sites to Offer Your Services

The 10 Best Jobbing Sites to Offer Your Services

Do you want to easily earn extra income every month? The jobbing site is a solution to know without delay.

Indeed, imagine that you are a DIY ace. You can quickly assemble any piece of furniture without ever going the wrong way.

The installation of shelves has no more secrets for you. But until now, it has only served you to help your family members or to beautify your interior yourself.

That’s great, but it doesn’t really improve your finances which need a miraculous boost. But how to turn this talent into gold and make ends meet legally?

You can of course monetize your help to earn pocket money. But you risk becoming angry with your aunt who is counting on you to freshen up the paint in her living room.

Apart from working as a freelancer, the other alternative is to become a jobber. But what is this job? What would be its links with DIY? How and where could you exercise it?

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Before moving on, I would like to recommend some of my articles that should certainly be of interest to you:

    đź’— Work from Home: Top 20 Jobs to Work from Home

    đź’— 50 Little Known Money Saving Tricks in 2023

    đź’— 10 Ways to Earn Money from Home

What is jobbing?

A sofa to move? Furniture to assemble? A curtain rod to fix? In a world where we all know each other in the neighborhood, no problem. All you have to do is call on Pierre, Paul or Jacques for the need to be met.

But this pattern tends to disappear. Cities are getting bigger and bigger. Their working hours are often different. It is therefore very difficult to find someone at the right time to help you out.

This is where jobbing comes in. This practice came to us straight from the United States. It is the modern version of the exchange of odd jobs between neighbors.

Jobbing consists of connecting individuals who have needs with jobbers, independent service providers who have specific skills.

Many platforms have been created to facilitate these contacts. The missions offered are multiple and depend on the specialty of each site. From DIY to babysitting, including writing love letters, there is something for all jobbers and service seekers.

Note, however, that certain services such as childcare for children under 3 years old are subject to approval. They cannot be returned by an unqualified individual.

Why should we embrace jobbing? This practice is win-win for both parties.

For the applicant:

  • It is simple to set up. He just has to place his ad on the site.
  • Responses from jobbers generally arrive fairly quickly.
  • It saves him from exaggerated expenses. A wise amateur costs 2 to 3 times less than a company.

For the jobber:

  • He works on subjects he already knows well.
  • These odd jobs allow him to make ends meet.
  • He chooses his missions according to the price.
  • He works according to his financial needs and thus controls his time.

 How much can a Jobber earn per month?

According to various surveys on the main jobbing sites, the average earnings for odd jobs such as babysitting, gardening or computer assistance would be 280 euros per month at YoupiJob for example.

They could go up to 1000 euros at Frizbiz in the event of major work such as carpentry. In any case, you can count on 200 to 300 euros per month without much effort.

It is obvious that these figures depend on the time devoted to jobbing. According to NeedHelp, there are two types of jobbers: those who carry out a few assignments a year, and “professionals” for whom jobbing is an activity in its own right.

They can ensure up to 10 jobs per month. Still according to NeedHelp, 35% of jobbers work full time and 30% are unemployed. The others are part-time employees, students and retirees.

But does that mean that if you work more, you could get more extra income? It seems that it is not so obvious. Indeed, there is today a crazy competition on jobbing sites.

According to a YoupiJob service provider, there would be 15 jobbers for a client. You have to work twice as hard or practice promotional prices to earn your first good ratings and positive comments.

These marks of recognition then make it easier to reach requests for services.

How to become a jobber?

To become a jobber, nothing could be simpler. The procedure is almost identical on all jobbing sites.

  • Register on the platform using your email address.
  • Filling in your jobber profile.

This second point is crucial. Indeed, competition is fierce on these sites. If you take care of your description, then you will have to stand out from other providers and win missions more easily.

Do not hesitate to send your photo and other document requested for your profile to be validated. It will then be more visible and thus favored by search engines.

In addition, it is a pledge of confidence for the applicants. Some jobbing sites include an individual interview in the registration process. It allows them to validate the skills of the jobber.

Then, be responsive. Respond quickly to text messages alerting you to new listings. Also be persistent. You come with some skill. Without being a hothead, try to go further.

I take an example. Do you offer tiling in the bathrooms? You can, if the case arises, respond to a request to repair the tiles of a terrace. This allows you to expand, little by little, your field of action.

Now that you know what jobbing is, you will find in the rest of the article where you will be able to exercise your talents to make ends meet.

The 10 best jobbing sites

You have decided to get into jobbing and you would like to know where to start. Here are the top 10 odd job platforms you should know about to generate extra income.

1 – is a French jobbing site on which you can offer “intellectual” type services, which can be delivered online. For example: writing articles, creating logos, managing social networks, etc.

The procedure to become a seller is classic: registration with an email address, then creation of a service with a detailed description as well as the requested price.

You then wait for a customer to send you an order. You will be paid via the jobbing platform when the service is completed.

You have several options to stand out from the competition. The presentation of your service is essential. The more careful she is, the more likely you are to be noticed. The site offers jobbers 3 subscription options, including 1 free.

The more expensive it is, the more your profile will be visible to customers. The good ratings and glowing comments left by them following your services should encourage potential buyers to work with you.

The base price on the site is 5 euros. Of course, it’s not very appealing. But the interest of the system lies in the addition of options which makes the invoice much more meaningful.

The site is remunerated through commissions deducted from the price of each order. Their calculation depends on the subscription formula chosen by the jobber.

5euros is a very interesting jobbing site if you have computer-based skills.

If you want to know more, I suggest you read my article in which I explain how to earn 1000€/month thanks to micro-services on the internet!

You can even download my free guide in which I give you the list of the most profitable micro-services to offer on

2 – I propose

Jemepropose is a platform where jobbers and applicants can post their job or service announcements. You just need to be at least 16 years old and a valid email address to register.

You then fill out your offer by specifying your price, your city, the category and the type of ad. Here, the contact is two-way: you can contact or be contacted by a person in need of a service.

Another particularity of this jobbing platform lies in the presence of a “collaborative” space where the proposals for sharing and exchange are found.

Currently, 23 categories are available on the site: administration, beauty and well-being, child, IT, etc. You’re sure to find one that matches your skill set.

Ads are geolocated. This should reassure stakeholders. As with many jobbing sites, positive customer reviews allow you to be more visible.

You can also opt for paid plans to speed up contacts. Payment is made directly between the two parties. No commission is charged by the site.

Jemepropose is certainly the best French-speaking jobbing site. Otherwise, it is the best known and the most used.

3 – NeedHelp

The NeedHelp jobbing platform allows service providers to apply for job offers. To become a jobber on needhelp, you must first register with an email address.

Your presentation on the site will be rigorous. You will indicate your skills and your rates, and possibly attach your driving license, your identity documents or your diplomas. These documents are not essential, but are sometimes necessary to reassure customers.

They allow you to better put yourself forward. You have the option of displaying a PRO badge if you are a professional or micro-entrepreneur. It is a guarantee of quality vis-Ă -vis the applicants.

You can then offer your services to applicants. The latter will choose the jobber who will be best suited to their needs.

The commission of the platform is quite high. It amounts to 18% of the amount of the service. The remaining 82% will be paid to you, either via the site or directly by the applicant.

4 –

Petisjobs is a classifieds site. After registering on the platform, you will fill in your profile in the best possible way: description, category of service, location, price, etc. Applicants can then contact you via the site’s messaging system.

5 – Fiverr

The Fiverr jobbing platform is the English-speaking 5euros. You create your service in one of the available categories: editor, designers, sound specialist, etc.

Of course, you will refine your presentation to highlight your skills vis-Ă -vis the client.

The base rate for a service is $5. As on 5 euros, you must bet on the options to increase the price of the basket.

For example, a good graphic designer could produce 100 to 150 logos per month, and earn up to $4,000. It should be noted that the site takes a commission of 20% in passing.

6 – Unscramblers

The website les débrouilleurs connects competent and charming individuals called “débrouilleurs” with those who need services (moving, DIY, transport and many more).

Employees, retirees or micro-entrepreneurs, to become a jobber, register on the platform and scrupulously complete your profile. You will then be contacted for an interview and a competency test.

This precaution aims to best meet the needs of applicants. If the outcome is positive, you will have to adhere to the charter of “unwinders” before you can apply for offers.

You will be paid when the service is completed. The customer can leave a review which, if positive, will boost your profile.

The platform is remunerated by a commission amounting to 20% of the price of the service.

7 – YoupiJob

The YoupiJob jobbing site specializes in home services (DIY, gardening, childcare, etc.).

Do you want to become a jobber on this platform? Create your account and set up your joblist. Your profile will be verified and validated by the YoupiJob community.

If your application is successful, you will sign the charter of good conduct before you can apply for service requests. The services of jobbers are provided by AXA. Which is an additional guarantee for both parties.

The site is remunerated through a 3% commission on the price of services.

8 – Frizbiz

Frizbiz is a jobbing site coupled with the Leroy Merlin brand. It allows seekers to post their ads which are categorized by major city. They mainly concern the field of DIY.

To become a jobber, you must register on the platform and describe your skills. Your profile will be verified before being validated.

You will then be able to apply to applicants’ advertisements by indicating a price range. The customer will choose the best offer according to his criteria. The work of the jobbers is insured by AXA.

The site commission is 15% of the amount of the service. It is the responsibility of the customer, the jobber receives the full price of his offer.

9 – Stooties

Stootie is a jobbing platform where individuals can publish their request for services (DIY, babysitting, gastronomy, transport, sport, etc.).

He sets a price and thanks to an interactive bidding system, the jobber, called stooter here, can bid him. The two parties chat in the site’s messaging system, which greatly facilitates negotiations.

To become a jobber, you must create your account and carefully complete your profile. Attach your photo, write a quick biography or use #’s, or provide your Facebook or Twitter account.

Consider publishing your service. You will then be visible and can be contacted directly by applicants. You will also receive alerts when a nearby request is posted.

Stootie has an algorithm that takes into account certain elements to put you more or less ahead.

  • Respond quickly when contacted, even to say no.
  • Pay attention to your performances. Positive customer ratings and reviews please the search engine.

Stootie is remunerated through commissions borne by the client. They are calculated on the price of the service. The rate applied is decreasing. It is 15% for a service amount between 10 and 200 euros and can go down to 4% for 2001 euros.

10 – Easyjobber

The Easyjobber platform connects individual or professional jobbers with clients. To become a jobber, you register in a few clicks and fill in your profile carefully. You can then apply for service requests.

When you are chosen by a client, you will receive their contact details to start arranging the service. At the end of the work, you are paid directly by the applicant.

He can rate you and leave a comment on the site. These elements allow you to be more credible in the eyes of future customers.

Your finances are not at their zenith? Do you have a skill and want to use it to generate extra income? Jobbing is undoubtedly one of the best ways to make ends meet.

Of course the competition is fierce and you have to fight to stand out. But you know your field well. If you are determined, and if you follow the recommendations cited in this article, then you will have the good surprise of seeing winnings fall into your bank account at the end of the month.

Now choose a few jobbing sites presented above, and register without delay. It will only take a few minutes.

This article is coming to an end, I hope you found what you were looking for! Before leaving, I recommend one more of my articles which should certainly please you:

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