How can I make studying fun for me?

 How can I make studying fun for me?

  • Listen to some good music.
  • Add some stimulating games.
  • Use study tools close to you.
Perhaps someone asked you, “Can I really make studying fun for me?” Absurd at first, although it is difficult to combine serious study with pleasure, it is really possible to achieve this, according to specific rules such as:a

  • Full commitment to try all possible ways to do so.
  • Flexibility with oneself as much as possible without procrastination or overburdening.
  • Acknowledgment of the need for continuous change to keep up with the human psyche and its nature.
Commitment: Commitment is a must by necessity. Achieving any matter, no matter how difficult or distant it may seem, requires a sincere intention and continuous endeavor. If you really want to study, you must have sincere intentions and adhere to the best method for you
Flexibility: There are many possible ways to make studying really enjoyable, but applying them requires your inner flexibility to move between one method and another according to your psychological state and your inner desire.
Acknowledgment of change: change is an ally of flexibility, and it is a human part. Everything that is repeated is boring, and in order to achieve pleasure with commitment, change must be accompanied within the scope of the desired goal without deviation.
Here are some general tips for making studying fun:
Music: The combination of study and music may seem difficult to some, and others may formulate it, depending on the extent of the focus occurring from one person to another.
Music helps add personal flair to school time, and may help some people focus, provided:
  • The absence of the effect of music on academic achievement.
  • Don’t waste time choosing the right music.
Calm classical music is one of the favorite options for many listeners, which helps to calmly integrate into the academic environment.
Motivational Games: Make it fun by turning study materials into puzzles and games, playing your curiosity sometimes and excite your portfolio at other times, then you will find it very interesting.
Motivational games are selected based on:
  • The nature of the course.
  • The method used for the study.
Use your favorite stationery: colored pencils, sticky notes, and organizational notebooks help make study subjects more interesting than ever.
How do I make studying fun for me?
  • Determine the desired goal of the study.
  • Time Management.
  • Use of fun teaching aids.
  • Be smart about taking study notes.
  • Mind maps
Define the goal: Define your main goal of the study very clearly, as the seriously set goals reduce the creation of distraction and divergence, and it is recommended to choose the goals:
  • clearly addressed and can be broken down into small steps.
  • Measurable and evaluated, and then determining the amount of progress made on a daily basis.
  • Achievable by making a number of daily or monthly advances.
  • realism.
  • timed, which gets you out of the deadly cycle of procrastination.
Time management: Work on scheduling the tasks required of you in a manner appropriate to the time available to complete the academic tasks, and always remember that time is like a sword!
Use of interesting educational methods: Subjects may seem very boring when explained in an old-fashioned academic way, but by using innovative educational methods, education has become more enjoyable.
Among the most popular educational methods among students are:
  1. The short study videos of the category of five and ten minutes.
  2. Interactive lectures, which are based on the interaction of the lecturer and the student at the same time.
  3. educational applications.
  4. Confirmative tests on information spread on the Internet.
  5. Copyable flashcards.
Notes taken: The notes help simplify the information received and arrange it in a systematic way that suits your mind. When taking notes, it is advised to:
  • Writing it down, in order to confirm the information received without external confusion due to time.
  • Refer to it when studying the lesson carefully to link the learner’s first view of the information with the case of receiving and the case of the individual study.
  • Confirm the notes after understanding the lesson by writing them in an order using the colors that are pleasing to the soul.
Using mind maps: Mind maps are used effectively in educational processes, as they work on:
  • Connect ideas to each other very effectively through colors and graphics.
  • Focus fully on the lesson.
  • Organizing the lesson in the mind of the recipient.
  • Creativity without repetition or boredom.
  • Take notes creatively.
The following are some of the proposed forms of mind maps, where the title of the main topic comes in the middle, and then all the side points related to it branch out from it.
Do organizational plans help to study easily?
Yes, the daily and weekly organizational plans help make studying easier and more organized, ensuring success simply and easily.
Many students create weekly organizational plans to achieve their long-term goals, sharpen them with determination, good intentions, and entertainment, and combine them with their own recreational and faith activities.
The following are some models used effectively with students, which are divided into:
  • Weekly planners to set long-term goals and break them down into achievable daily chunks.
  • Daily organizations, based on taking simple sub-steps into a number of organized and divided steps within a clear timetable and integrated with faith and life actions such as exercise, food and sleep.
Does group study help me to make studying fun for me?
Yes, group study helps to make studying more enjoyable, provided that commitment is achieved in the group with constant motivation.
Studying together with friends is a double-edged sword, which may result in:
Share ideas effectively, while achieving the desired goal of the group study.
  • Having fun is far from the main purpose of the gathering.

The side effects of group study with friends can be reduced by following a number of steps, including:

  • Choosing a number of strict friends among the selected group in order to ensure continuity as much as possible.
  • Choosing the study group on the basis of academic motivation, not fun.
  • Using collective recreational methods such as games based on exchange and collective knowledge.
  • Exchanging questions and tests in the study points studied.
  • Constant motivation among students.

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