Classes in English-WWNEED.COM

 Classes in English-WWNEED.COM

  • The Primary Grades
  •  Preparatory grade
  •  High grade ( Secondary grade)
  • undergraduate level

The academic stages in English are divided into 4 educational stages that can be explained as follows:
Primary stage: This stage is known by a number of names:
  • the primary school
  • Elementary school
It is the first educational stage in which the child is established and prepared for full cognitive realization. In some educational systems, this stage also includes the kindergarten stage.
The primary stage aims to develop some educational and self-skills in the child, such as:
  • independence.
  • The initiative.
  • Make decision.
  • Creative abilities.
  • Learning ability.
  • Self-esteem and respect.
Learn emotional communication skills between individuals.
These skills help put the child on the first ladder of community participation and affect the way he is formed internally and mentally. 
Preparatory stage: This stage is known by a number of names, such as:
  •  middleschool.
  • Preparatory school.
This stage aims to prepare students academically to enroll in the secondary stage and provide them with the necessary curricula to start higher studies.
Secondary stage: This stage is known by a number of names, including:
  • highschool
  • Secondary school
This stage aims to:
Preparing students academically and psychologically to join the university level.
Providing students with the necessary curricula to start postgraduate studies.
Attempting to reveal the students’ preferred academic desires to work on establishing them before university studies 
University stage: It is known as (College grade), and in it the learner begins to receive his favorite science in an intensive way, so that he becomes somewhat an expert in it.
The university stage represents the stage after primary secondary education, and it is an optional stage, as some may prefer to work after the end of the secondary stage.
Some may prefer to study natural, social, or psychological sciences, others may prefer to study medicine in its branches, and some may wish to go deeper mathematically, all of which are subjective desires that are taken into account when choosing.
How to improve your level of English
  • Determine the level of the learner.
  • Immersion in the learning environment.
  • Commitment and continuity.
  • Create a fun learning environment that works for you.

The English language is a basic rule when:

  • Start studying abroad.
  • Getting new job opportunities is an indispensable basic skill
To improve your level of English, you can follow the following tips:
Placement: You need to know your level in order to set a timetable for working on improving the four skills of the English language.
Immersion in the learning environment: This advice is very important as it helps one’s immersion in the learning environment to move quickly in his educational journey and continuity.
Cognitive immersion to improve English can be initiated by:
  • Watching foreign films and trying to imitate them in order to acquire some new expressions and terms, in addition to the conversational style and understanding the nature of the language.
  • Read English news platforms in order to acquire some exclusive academic terms, and keep up with exclusive events. new.
  • Read your favorite books in English to enrich your mind with your favorite words, which pushes you forward and helps you speak about yourself fluently.
  • Speak in English as much as you can through conversation programs in English or attend some activities interested in dialogue in order to improve the English language.

Commitment and continuity: Commitment and continuity in training are the secret to achieving success and reaching the goal of training, so train, train and train until you reach.

    Fun educational environment: Make sure to renew your learning environment by introducing some entertaining and creative methods in order to kill routine and boredom, as learning is a long journey that does not continue with effort and effort.

    What does the word “I go to school” mean in English?
    I go to school
    The sentence “I am going to school” is considered one of the basic expressive sentences for self-talk, especially for students. In the composition of the sentence, it is noted that:
    • The present simple tense is used to talk about a fact that is happening in the present.
    • The use of the first person pronoun I, which led to putting the basic verb Go in its first form.
    When using the feminine pronoun She or He, es can be added to the end of the verb, so we say:
    • She goes to school
    • He goes to school
    What does the word “where are you from” mean in English?
    Where are you from
    The question of where are you from is one of the common questions when starting a conversation between two people, and it is noted in the composition of the synthetic sentence the use of:
    •  Interrogative tool Where to ask about a place.
    • The present simple tense is used to talk about a fact that is happening in the present.
    • Use the auxiliary verb (Verb to be) are when using You, WE, They
    When using the feminine pronoun She or He, the auxiliary verb (Verb to be) Is can be replaced, so we say:
    • Where is she from
    • Where is he from
    Answer the question How old are you in English
    I am + age + years old
    The question of how old are you is one of the common questions to get to know others, and in it the person declares his desire to know more details about your personal life, and to answer this question, follow the following sentence structure:
    I am + age + years old
    She says:
    • I am ten years old.
    • I am five years old.
    Years old can be omitted to become I am + age
    • I am ten years old.
    • I am five years old.
    And to ask the other person about his age after your answer, you say and you, which means what about you?

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