A Ready-Written Advertisement Template

 A Ready-Written Advertisement Template

A Ready-Written Advertisement Template

A ready-written advertisement template

Crafting a great ad is not easy. This is why many copywriters keep a file of proven examples for inspiration when needed.

This post will provide you with more than 10 examples of a ready-made written advertisement template, which you may add to your own file.

1. Client problems (Basecamp)

There’s a reason Basecamp is known for its website and ads. They use conversational language with the same simplicity and clarity as the language clients use when speaking and thinking about a project.

Here’s the format they use:

*. Define your customer’s problem: The problem in this case is disorganization. Basecamp makes it clear to customers that it knows and cares about their problems.

*. Add some emotion: Make your reader’s eagerness to get your product big before you show them the light at the end of the tunnel.

*. Provide the Solution: The words chosen by Basecamp to showcase their product feel calm and serene.

“Try to follow these steps when crafting your own ads,” says Joanna Webb. Start with the problem, then get rid of it when the reader finally wants to rest.”

2. Privacy and details (Rolls-Royce)

Instead of the headline: “The new Rolls-Royce is a very quiet car.” David Ogilvie chose to describe the new Rolls-Royce thus: The loudest sound you will ever hear when driving this new Rolls-Royce at 60 miles per hour will come from an electric hour.” Perhaps this is what made it considered not only the best ready-written advertisement template, but even the best advertisement Throughout the ages.

The ad text adds more detail: “Engineers used a stethoscope to listen to the whine of the axle.”

“This car is quiet” is a claim that the reader can choose to believe or not to believe. But how can the latter not believe that the car is quiet if you say “we used a stethoscope to listen to the sound of the axle”?

This advertisement gives you a sense of peace and calm as soon as you read it, so allow the customer to engage with the advertisement by providing them with the exact product details and characteristics.

The lesson: allowing the customer to paint a picture in their mind sinks them into the ad and makes your product memorable.

I provide nothing but facts in my Rolls-Royce ads. — David Ogilvy

3. Values ​​(Innocent Drinks)

Innocent Drinks describes the product nicely. Their use of the phrase “the things we make” suggests clarity and transparency just like their brand.

The advertisement begins with a clear description: “Juice made from the finest types of fruits.” Then he acknowledges what their target customers care about before they ask about it: “Our drinks do not contain additives or artificial colors and flavors.”

As Joseph Sugarman says, you must address your customers’ concerns before they have a chance to worry about them. You have to show that you know what your audience cares about and that you share their values ​​to gain their trust.

4. sense of humor (Ricola)

“Make sure good news sounds like good news” is the slogan for a cough relief brand.

In 2014, Ricola ran a series of ads with examples of how a misplaced cough can spoil the meaning of a sentence. This type of advertisement:

*. Funny, especially for industries that might seem boring
*. sharp (without being offensive)
*. realistic
*. basic
*. never forget

Ricola’s ad does not present their product as the best cough drops on the market. But it combines the image of the product packaging with the well-established advertising phrase, which leads customers to keep this product stuck in their minds, and then acquire it whenever the need arises.

The main feature customers rely on to remember things is often utilitarian. That is, advertisements are only a tool that helps the customer remember the product when he needs it.” – Jenny Romaniuk.

Remember that packaging and colors play a big role in helping consumers find the brand as soon as they enter the store.

5. Customer view (Volkswagen)

Ad Age ranked Volkswagen’s 1959 advertising campaign as the largest advertising campaign of the century. Here’s why.

Americans fell in love with big cars in the late 1950s. Volkswagen challenged advertising agency DDB to sell the opposite, that is, to sell a small car with an exotic appearance.

The latter accepted the challenge and then shared a list of the benefits of owning a small car:

*. It uses less gasoline
*. Cheaper insurance
*. Less maintenance required

While everyone in America thinks big, DDB tipped the scales with just one motto: “Think Smaller.”

The ad was printed in black and white, although there was the possibility of color, which made the ad stand out.

“Anything that draws focused attention to itself causes viewers to overestimate its importance,” writes psychologist Robert Cialdini in his book Pre-Suasion.

Volkswagen succeeded in attracting more attention to small cars by simply changing the mental attitudes of customers.

6. Brand Personality (Hiut Denim)

Hiut Denim’s website clearly shows their brand story and values, starting with their slogan: “Our Story” as well as powerful advertising phrases such as:

*. “Do something good”
*. “We make jeans. And that’s it.”
*. “We don’t make as many jeans as we can, we make the best jeans we can.” “

You trust Hiut Denim because they know what they say and take great pride in their products. This gives them credibility and makes you want to be a part of what they do.

Consumers are smarter than advertisers think. So you need to prove the worth of your product by displaying an honest advertisement.

“The consumer is not stupid. Think of him as your wife. You’re insulting her intelligence if you assume that just a slogan and some frivolous adjective will convince her to buy something. She wants all the information you can give her.” — David Ogilvy

Hiut Denim shares real information about their company, the quality of their products, and the effort they put in.

7. Client language (Beachway)

“If you think you need rehab, you really need it” was tested against “Your addiction ends here” and the former achieved a 400% increase in clicks.

The Beachway ad, a rehabilitation and addiction treatment center, led to a 20% increase in registrations even though the ad was on a separate landing page.

So what made it so effective?

The reason for its effectiveness is due to the words used by marketers. Copywriter Joanna Wiebe states that using the same words as customers activates their visualizations, creating a strong sense of urgency.

A person constantly has mental conversations with himself, whether about his work, his loved ones, or his life. You have to take part in that conversation with something that matches his thoughts.” —Robert Collier

In other words, using the customer’s language allows you to say what they’re actually thinking. It also makes your ad appear more authentic, which suggests to customers that you understand them.

Online reviews are a goldmine of customer language, including:

*. What did they like about the product?
*. The specific problem they wanted to solve with the product
*. How the product solved their problem (or didn’t)
*. The modifications they wanted to make to the product

8. Persuasion (Pepsodent)

Pepsodent toothpaste was not a hit until Claude Hopkins wrote this ad in 1929, as brushing was a rare habit.

Hopkins’ concern was to reach the hard-to-reach audience, the “unaware” people. You need to use different techniques depending on the level of awareness of your audience:

*. unaware
*. aware of the problem
*. aware of the solution
*. aware of the product
*. Aware of it all

Hopkins couldn’t talk about the benefits of toothpaste, and most of his audience didn’t know they needed it. So consider writing an advertisement about the layer of tartar that covers unclean teeth. This caused people to rub their tongues over their teeth whenever they read the advertisement. By doing so, you may:

*. Attract people’s attention
*. It made them aware of a problem they didn’t know existed
*. I offered them a solution to that problem

Hopkins succeeded, with 65% of the population brushing their teeth with Pepsodent within a decade of the campaign.

9. In the Core (RXBar)

You know exactly what you’re getting with RXBar that values ​​transparency and simplicity. Health-conscious shoppers want to know exactly what they’re eating, so RXBar puts it front and center on product packaging.

You’ll hear many marketers talk about highlighting benefits rather than features. But RXBar goes against that wisdom as its packaging only lists features. It operates with the understanding that in a market saturated with manufactured products and unpronounceable ingredients, the benefits are the benefits.

“The best thing your ad can do is take advantage of what motivates your customers and connect their motives to the solution you offer.” — Jane Havis

RXBar uses the features of the bar to communicate the motives of the audience.

10. Curiosity

Moz ads use one of George Lowenstein’s five principles for creating curiosity: Pretend you know something your audience doesn’t. Moz knows a smarter way to do your SEO. And if you click the “Try Moz Pro for free” button, I’ll find out what it is.

Moz tells you its value proposition without a lot of jargon. Every SEO team wants to increase traffic, rankings, and visibility.

Once your attention has been caught by an ad, this page does two more things:

*. Uses a large, clear call-to-action button
*. It answers potential questions without having to ask them

11. Originality (Dollar Shave Club)

DSC’s email marketing is genius for three reasons:

*. Their e-mail is directed only to those who have unsubscribed.
*. The subject line of the email is intriguing: “Did you go on a date with someone else?”
*. The photos included in the e-mail reflect the authenticity of the company itself.

Subscribe to their email list and monitor their marketing campaigns to get some inspiration.

 3 rules must be followed to get a successful ad

Here are the three rules for creating an effective ad:

1. Clarity > Intelligence.

When crafting your ad, you should:

*. Make people understand you
*. arouse their curiosity
*. Promise them good results

2. Use customer language

It’s easier to understand and believe your message when you make it sound like someone is speaking.

Ask yourself: would you say this sentence while talking to a friend? If not, then you should change it. Shorter, more common words are easier to understand than long terms.

3. Identify your audience’s problems.

You cannot provide a solution if you do not know the problem. Target your customers’ pain points based on their stage of awareness:

*. Incomprehensibility: talk about what people like them do
*. Pain perception: talk about pain
*. Realizing the Solution: Talk about options for a solution
*. Product Perception: Share your product value proposition
*. Holistic Perception: Show them your offer

Then follow this formula:

*. Problem: Define your customer’s problem clearly
*. Emotion: Make your ad more emotional
*. Solution: Finally offer an antidote

You are on your way to creating the best ad ever by following these rules and taking inspiration from the list of ready-made ad templates written above.


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